Board of Adjustment

The Board of Adjustment (RSMO Chapter 89), rules on both administrative reviews and variances. When conducting a hearing for administrative reviews, the Board decides appeals where it is alleged there was an error in any order, requirement, decision, interpretation, or determination made by the Planning and Zoning Commission, generally in the enforcement of the Ordinance. When holding a hearing for a variance, the Board may authorize a variance from the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance when the literal enforcement of those codes would result in unnecessary hardship to a property owner.

The Secretary is a non-voting position.  Alternates are retained to expedite filling open positions and may be used when a full member is unavailable.  The Board includes the following residents:

David Arney  (Chairperson)

Steele Zinser  (Vice-Chairperson)

Lew Lewis

Angie Rendina

Dr. Gene Allen


Dr. Beverly Triana-Tremain

Dr. Beverly Zinser

Missy Witter

Handy Haydon - Ex-officio and consultant (part Chairman)